5 min read
By: Danielle Rath, Caffeine Scientist, GreenEyedGuide
How Much Caffeine Do You Need If You’re On The Struggle Bus?
Ever have one of those mornings when you wake up and it feels like your body is made of sand? I’m talking about those mornings your eyelids are so heavy that it’s impossible to keep them fully open for longer than a minute. On mornings like this, you may think a MASSIVE dose of caffeine could be the only thing to pull both body and mind from this quicksand. So, it may come as a surprise that even on days like this, 100 mg of caffeine will do the trick.
Yes, just 100 mg of caffeine is enough to kick start your day.
First of all, if you have no idea how much 100 mg of caffeine really is, think of it this way. A cup of black tea has around 45 mg of caffeine per 8 fluid ounces. A home-brewed cup of coffee has around 100 mg of caffeine per 8 fluid ounces. And a Grande Vanilla Late from Starbucks has around 160 mg of caffeine per 16 fluid ounces.
Second of all, I know what you’re thinking. Why NOT choose the drinks with 160 mg of caffeine? Isn’t it better to make sure you have enough? And how could anyone get by with a size Tall coffee when a Tall seems so…small. To answer that, we have to look beyond what’s in the can (or coffee cup) and consider how it’s consumed.
The Problem with the “More-Caffeine-Equals-More-Energy” Model
Caffeine doesn’t do anything quickly. It takes about 20 minutes to start feeling the effects of caffeine. Those effects linger for hours since it takes the body 4-6 hours to metabolize half the dose of caffeine consumed. That means if you hit that 3 pm afternoon slump and consume 160 mg of caffeine, there’s still 80 mg of caffeine working in your body at 7 pm. For some people, drinking caffeine too late in the day can mean poor sleep. Which means waking up tired, drinking even more caffeine the next day, getting worse sleep that night, and so on.
On the other hand, drinking 100 mg of caffeine for that 3 pm slump means only 50 mg of caffeine is still working around 7 pm. For reference, that’s about the amount of caffeine in an 8 oz cup of tea. The good news is a smaller dose of caffeine WILL be enough to provide that boost, but it WON’T be enough caffeine to sabotage your sleep. According to scientific authorities like the European Food Safety Authority, 100 mg of caffeine is enough to be an effective, functional dose. That means 100 mg of caffeine is enough to give you the cognitive boost you expect when you reach for caffeine.
Portion Distorsion Versus Smart Portions
One of the reasons a Tall Starbucks coffee doesn’t seem like enough is because larger portion sizes have become the norm. This is often to the detriment of our waistlines. And in the case of caffeine, too much caffeine means instead of improved cognitive focus, we could experience jitters and other side-effects.

Grande and Venti sizes may be the norm, but it’s more caffeine than you need to achieve that functional dose. It’s been shown again and again through research studies that people eat more from larger food portions, like larger plates and bowls. The same is true for larger coffee mugs and cup sizes. Furthermore, perceived social norms can also influence your decision when choosing the size of a food or drink. Social norms are what people believe other people consider to be a normal portion size. In other words, if you think you’d look silly carrying a small coffee cup around the office, you’ll get the larger one to fit in.
Altogether, these influences can make it feel like we need to grab the extra strength coffees and energy drinks. But the key to enjoying all the benefits of caffeine is to find the perfect dosage. And it really only takes 100 mg of caffeine.
The benefits of choosing a drink with 100 mg of caffeine per container (like Marquis), is that you can have one can in the morning to start your day. Then if the day really gets out of hand, you can open another cold, refreshing can for the afternoon. With 100 mg of caffeine per can, you’ll be able to enjoy your caffeine – as much as you need, right when you need it. And all without sabotaging your sleep or compromising your Caloric intake for the day.
The Perfect Dose for Caffeine Lovers and Caffeine Newbies
Health authorities suggest 400 mg of caffeine, total per day, is the maximum dosage considered safe for healthy adults, not including those who are pregnant or nursing. And for those who are pregnant or nursing, the recommendation is less than 200 mg of caffeine per day, total from all sources. For reference, a home-brewed K-cup of coffee has around 100 mg of caffeine. Ultimately, 100 mg of caffeine is a safe, reasonable dose whether you’ve been drinking caffeine for a while or you’re trying caffeine for the first time.
Bottom Line
A 100 mg dose of caffeine is the perfect dose for three reasons. First of all, 100 mg of caffeine has been recognized by scientific authorities as the functional dose of caffeine. Secondly, you can enjoy the cognitive benefits of caffeine without sacrificing your sleep. Third, smaller portions are smarter portions. Finally, 100 mg of caffeine is the perfect amount of caffeine whether you’ve been drinking it for a while or you’re just getting started. With 100 mg of caffeine from a tri-blend of green tea, green coffee beans, and yerba mate, Marquis is an excellent choice for those seeking the perfect caffeine boost.