10 min read
Why do we love sugar so much?
Humans have a sweet tooth hard-wired into our DNA. Our children don’t copy our cravings for cake, or learn to love lollypops; they are born with an inherent desire to consume them. This is because our brains evolved when people were worried about starving, not dieting, and our taste buds learned to seek out sweet treats as an indicator of a high-calorie content. This was an era of famine and feast when discovering a honey pot could have been the difference between life and death. And, our pre-historic brains took note, chemically altering to associate sweetness with survival.
This association worked well for millions of years, with most humans consuming very little sugar and no refined carbohydrates. But, things have changed. The 1970s saw an explosion in our sugar intake fuelled by the mistaken belief that fat made you fat - and understandable, if not scientifically sound logic – that resulted in sugar being added to almost everything for ‘fatless flavor’.
Why do we consume so much sugar today?
Nowadays, sugar is in surplus and we can increasingly afford to give in to our cravings. Binging isn’t reserved for royalty alone anymore because, perversely, gaining weight is no longer expensive; in fact, it’s increasingly the cheaper option!
And, the food and drinks industry has become experts in its delivery, squeezing it into almost everything we consume. Drinks, sauces, yogurts, cereals, and even fruit juices are now packed with a frightening amount of sugar. For example, even those with the sweetest of teeth would never add 9 teaspoons of sugar to their tea or coffee, but that's how much is in one can of Coca-Cola! And, while it's doubtful you know anyone who would add 10 spoons of sugar onto their porridge, most Americans regularly consume that toxic quantity in pre-packaged cereals each morning.
Why is this a problem?
And, when it comes to sugar, the science is very clear. Consumed in anything like the current quantities, it makes us fat; it makes us diabetic; it makes us groggy, and it’s killing us. That’s not a very sweet pill to swallow but, in this case, a spoon full of sugar is the reason we need medicine to go down.
Today, the vast majority - 75% - of Americans are over overweight, and more than 4 in 10 are obese. One in ten are severely so, and another one in ten sadly struggles with diabetes every day. That means that, in a kindergarten class of 30, 23 will grow up to be overweight; 12 will suffer from obesity, and 3 can be expected to be diagnosed with diabetes. However, human biology hasn’t changed in a matter of generations, the food environment has. In short, our willpower hasn’t gotten worse, our food and drinks have. We are all struggling against an industry that has hacked into the most ancient and powerful parts of our brains, putting profit over health and happiness.
Are artificial sweeteners the answer?
Many believe the solution to be artificial sweeteners but, these lab-made chemicals are associated with the exact same health issues as sugar and, while they save on calories in the short term, studies have shown they actually increase our appetites in the long term. In one study, those who switched from sweetening their coffee with sugar to artificial alternatives actually consumed more calories throughout the day than those who didn’t, as the chemicals “tricked the brain into feeling hungry”.
However, the good news is that there are solutions. It isn't sugar, and it isn’t produced in a lab, however; they are sweet and 100% natural. Our brains, our cravings, and our relationship with food and drink evolved in harmony with nature, and the natural world can provide the solutions. For most of human history, we didn’t eat very much sugar and, if Marquis has its way, we won’t in the future either!
What is the solution?
At the moment, you’re given two choices – sugar or sweeteners. Specifically, artificial sweeteners. However, there are over three million species of plants on Planet Earth and there are tons of other options for companies who take the time to look and spend the money prioritizing people’s health.
One of these super-sweeteners we use in Marquis is called monk fruit. Fully natural and organic, we crush the seeds and skin of the plant to extract a juice that is 250 times sweeter than sugar! This means that you hardly have to use any to pack a real punch, resulting in a delicious taste that doesn’t add calories. Traditionally known as the “Buddha fruit”, this amazing species has been used in Chinese medicines for millennia and is also packed full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. More importantly, scientists haven’t observed any of the biological hallmarks of sugar: with consumption registering no impact on blood sugar or tooth decay.
Stevia is another plant-powered hero ingredient. Super sweet but containing zero calories, we feel much better about adding a juiced stevia leaf to our drinks than a whole heap of sugar or artificial junk. Plus, it tastes amazing too!
How do win each day in the war against sugar?
Stevia and monk fruit are just a taster of the natural goodness we pack into each can of Marquis. We exist to kick-start a caffeine revolution and turn the drink industry on its head, with just 100mg of organic, clean caffeine in every serving. All of our drinks contain zero sugar, calories, or carbs to provide a guilt-free boost, but contain a huge array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In fact, one can of Marquis contains more vitamin C than an orange!
We know we’re a small fish in a very big pond, and we don’t have the resources of the giant beverage companies but, our ambition isn’t to change the world – it's to change your world. So, take a sip of Marquis today and take the first step in seizing back control of your diet from sugar today.